Comment on Chris Martenson on VivaBarnes predicted fertilizer shortage 2 weeks ago. WSJ confirmed it today ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

Synthetic Ammonia started the Green revolutions across the world, and why we have global food surplus today. Specifically the Haber process of cheaply producing large quantities. Before that, people relied on collecting bird droppings (guano) to get Ammonia for fertilizer.

My pet theory was that the lack of Ammonia was an important reason for WWII. Germans invaded neighboring countries and shipped their food back, indicating their agriculture was suffering. Germany had no natural supply of Nitrates, and had exhausted its synthetic supply during WWI for bombs. (

On the same principle, after WWII, the US exported Ammonia around the world to prevent future wars by increasing agriculture production.

I hope that we are not going to slide back to those times........
