Comment on Why are so many countries in the world “developing” and poor, while essentially only Western countries have a high standard of living? ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Everyone seems to be focusing on colonialism, but that really only brought Europe to a standard of living near India and China.

The real major thing that happened was that “the West” started industrializing before the rest of the world did. Some of the wealth came from colonial holdings that industrial countries had, but a lot of it came from having citizens who were more than a order of magnitude more economically productive than citizens of other countries for over a century.

Why the Indian subcontinent and China didn’t industrialize at the time is up to debate, but some theories are related to lower labor costs not sparking the positive feedback engine of industrialization until it was too late to compete against the West and going into periods of relative decline that Western countries could take advantage of.

The West was able to make itself the factory of the world, pushing the rest of the world into resource extraction.

It wasn’t until after World War II that other parts of the world were able to industrialize.
