This is why severance gets offered. It’s a contract that you agree to and henceforth you can’t really fight. And employees would frankly rather take the pay than immediately lose income and then start investing time in a lawsuit against a much better resourced organization, which could take years and may not result in anything. Most companies know how to navigate the laws. Few ordinary people know how to sue over them and win.
Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year ago
Somebody needs to tell Brittany Pietsch and her laid off coworkers about the WARN Act and its state counterparts:…/Worker_Adjustment_and_Retraini…
Just because Cloudflare really really needs for Brittany and her laid off coworkers to believe that it’s all individual firings based on performance and related measurements, in order to avoid the legally mandated costs of laying off a group of employees, that need does not make this anything less than a layoff.
While there are certainly exceptions to the WARN Act and similar laws, chances are excellent that if Ms. Pietsch and her coworkers take a look at it in light of their own specific experiences, they can come to a MUCH more equitable resolution than the shit on a plate with a side of material misrepresentation handed to them by the HR and legal reps at Cloudflare. 1 year ago 1 year ago
She mentioned in the call that she started working in like August. 1 year ago
It specifies which employers are cover with the WARN act, not employees. It either covers whole company (all employees in company) or no one at company at all. 1 year ago
Cloudflare has 100 employees not counting her. 1 year ago
Ahh my mistake. I misread that as the employees who have not been there for that long would be exempt from this protection.