Gathering carts was my favorite job when I worked at a grocery store! Fresh air, a break from all the people, help old people with loading their trunk. At the time the cars and carts were still made of metal and shit got scratched up. Now everything is made of plastic and I don’t get the outrage. I got a million problems and this ain’t one of em
Comment on 99% to passing the shopping cart test yet they failed right next to the goal. 1 year ago
This is the least thing to get upset about. The cart is out of the way, and blocking any parking spaces. They obviously were on the other side of the corral. They even put it next to the corral.
I’ve done this job. There are far worse things to get frustrated about than this. 1 year ago
I’m not the cart guy, I just shop there.
It’s interesting, reading this comment and your other, how you have to make things up so you can pass useless judgment on other people.
You might want to think about why you do that. 1 year ago
What exactly am I making up? 1 year ago
Yep, I’ve done carts. I worked retail over two decades ago. You have made up…
A comment based on no evidence so you can dunk on someone. You’re just being a dick.
It couldn’t be that you say useless, inflammatory things. Nope, it’s everyone else that’s the problem.
Here we have you assuming, with no evidence or indication for it, that I’m the cart guy so you can call me lazy. Again, the majority of the comment is just you being a judgemental dick.
You just seem to be one of those people who is so outraged and feels such a strong need to tell everyone how they’re wrong that you generate a slew of assumptions so you can slap together meaningless judgement. I mean, seriously, what do you think you’re contributing to this comment section other than making it worse? 1 year ago
Where you’re “evidence” you’ve done the job before?
If I need evidence you do too.