You don’t need the tool if you want to be devious. Just grab any readily accessible small piece of gravel, grit, or detritus readily available in any paved area and screw it down onto the valve pin with the tire stem cap. That’ll allow the air out of the tire and will usually fall out unnoticed when the mark removes the cap later. The problem will then not reoccur, but with luck they’ll be forever paranoid that it may randomly happen again.
Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago
Schrader valves can be easily removed with a cheap tool. The valve cores aren’t expensive, but remove one on 2 wheels, and they aren’t going anywhere and won’t actually cause damage. 1 year ago 1 year ago
It damages the sidewall of the tire. 1 year ago
Oh nooooo, their tire may have to be replaced. How scandalous. 1 year ago
They’ll 100% just fill it back up at a gas station and drive on it until it blows out. 1 year ago
No damage, except for blocking the handicap spot longer than it would otherwise.