People tend to stick to the old rumor even though blue light as a problem is mostly a myth peddled by companies who only care about selling a product.
Comment on What's the best way to read a book in a dark room? 1 year agoI thought blue light wasn’t considered such an issue any more. Certainly a few seconds to operate an audio player isn’t much. And maybe the player app (if you use an app) can be themed to not give off blue light. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Depends. Blue light does affect sleep and eye strain. Avoiding it is not the cure for all eye and sleep issues as has been marketed by many products. But it is advisable to avoid it during night time as a habit for long term well being. Whether there’s a strong physiologically effect or if it’s merely a psychological relief is still being debated. But either way it does make people feel and sleep better when they have a habit of avoiding it during night time. So why not try it.
At the same time, reading on e-ink is a million times preferable to even the best amoled night mode screens. And no amount of nostalgia will make me return to paper books. They’re cool and mystic but they are a technological compromise in terms of ergonomics. Any ereader is a massive improvement in the experience of reading.