Comment on Google Pixel phones and smartwatches are up to 21 percent off 11 months ago
not going to buy it but is there any factory unlocked phone people can buy that are:
- not crap spec wise
- can install custom rom and still retain all the function
- popular enough so when the time comes for fixing you can find parts and/or shops that can fix it.
asking cause my phone probably have about 1 year left in terms of battery shelf life, I am pretty lucky as it’s a 4 years old galaxy A70 that can still last almost 3 days without charging. (note, I am really light phone user, it’s basically my alarm clock and calendar/event reminder. and occasionally look up stuff when I am outside.)
realcaseyrollins 11 months ago
I actually believe that the Pixel phones match all those requirements. They're unlocked by default AFAIK (carriers do lock them and sell their own versions though) and they are one of the few phones with a bootloader that's unlocked by default as well IIRC
I recently ordered a Pixel 6 Pro for that very reason 11 months ago
I had bad experience with Nexus, and then my friend’s pixel died in 2 years. (I know it’s anecdote) And with not so good warranty reputation (very spotty if you search a bit) I kinda don’t want to touch it unless I don’t have other options.