People always frown and say I’m being cynical or pessimistic whenever I tell them I’m a misanthrope. They assume I’m bitter and I irrationally hate my fellow human. Couldn’t be further from the truth. I actually like most people I meet. I just have a very low opinion of us as a species. If you look at the track record, I’m many of the most important aspects, it’s really abysmal. We have undoubtedly accomplished many great things, but we’ve also committed uncountable horrors—and both patterns will continue—but I’m not impressed in the final analysis. In fact, I’m pretty disgusted.
Anyone interested should briefly study individual psychology vs. group psychology. Specifically, why individuals are often better problem solvers than groups. There are reasons groups tend to make worse decisions overall than individuals. In a nutshell, it’s because the loudest voices prevail in groups, not the most intelligent, educated, insightful, etc. On a grand scale, that translates to those who want power the most are the ones who wind up in the positions that wield it. And this isn’t due to any social system or set of laws or constitution; it’s due to simple human psychology. 1 year ago
“Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.” 1 year ago
There’s always a disconnect between “Our nature is destroying us” and the people that chime into say “then be the change you want to see!”
Seriously, if cobbling enough technology together to generate MORE food than every human needs couldn’t change our nature, it can’t be done.
And What did we do with that miraculous technological revolution in post-scarcity?
Well, a tiny percentage can glut themselves to the point of then getting surgery to manually remove the excess fat so they can do it all again tomorrow, while we also throw heaps of food away…with lots of people still starving! Gotta maintain that artificial scarcity to keep prices up after all.
That’s why AI and Fusion, things that many propose could save us from our demons, won’t. They’ll just be turned into another tool the few own and use as leverage against the many for literally nothing more than an ego boost for the owners.
We could decide it’s wrong and cut them down to size, but then we as a species would have to give up the ridiculous dream/fantasy of being the fuckers punching down. And we won’t do that, even as we’re on the ass end of it and have no rational hope of it changing under the current system.
No way to cure this mindset. 1 year ago
The only way we’ll save ourselves is if we’re lucky enough to have some no name genius be born that somehow makes off world colonization possible. Our existing structures will not accomplish this.
Humanity has, in my opinion, only lasted as long as it has because every so often people were able to just walk away from a failed, corrupt society and start over somewhere else. Now that we’ve basically claimed the entire planet, that’s no longer possible. Only by being able to colonize other worlds do we regain that.
Existing human biology/neurology doesn’t seem to scale properly for governing existing populations. It just doesn’t work and the failure rate keeps accelerating. 1 year ago
Thank you for explaining your thinking process.
Great insight, I learned something new today!