Comment on ‘Barbie’ vs ‘Oppenheimer’: Which Movie Got Better Reviews

<- View Parent ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Yeah the last time I watched a movie in a theater was Top Gun Maverick which had a Tom Cruise intro. There was a teenager sitting near that was trying to make jokes throughout the entire movie; they were as unfunny as they were loud. The theater’s great sound system doesn’t really matter when you can’t hear it over obnoxious audience members.

I wonder what the future of theaters looks like. I hope they realize that home is just a better way to watch movies, and start pivoting into the ‘experience’ aspect; start serving quality food, or add a live host, or regularly have themed events. Imagine if there was one next to a convention center - if there was e.g. an anime convention they could show a bunch of anime films to tie into it.

Those aren’t the best examples, but something along those lines is the only way I see myself watching a movie at a theater again. If they give me a reason to go I’ll go, but right now, there just isn’t one.
