Comment on Stop showboating 1 year agoPsylocke was right there, y’know. And you choose Scott fucking Summers, Mister Punch Dimension himself, instead.
I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.
Comment on Stop showboating 1 year agoPsylocke was right there, y’know. And you choose Scott fucking Summers, Mister Punch Dimension himself, instead.
I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed. 1 year ago
Mister Punch Dimension? Wasn’t that Superboy Prime, or did I miss something? 1 year ago
Prime punches through Dimensions, for he is a man.
The Summers, on the other hand, get their eye-beams from their eyes being special portals to a dimension of pure kinetic energy, or “The Punch Dimension”. Scott’s are fucked up, hence the need for ruby glasses to negate the constant stream of energy he releases.
How does a certain frequency of red stop pure kinetic energy? How does he see through the beams? Fuck if I know, comics can get kinda dumb explaining shit. Like a man going so insane he loops back around to sanity. 1 year ago
What about keeping sandwiches and mimosas in a bag of holding?
Oh wait that’s a brunch dimension