Comment on I Might Leave Lotide. Here's Why.

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realcaseyrollins ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The main federation issues I'm seeing so far are with Rebased (a fork of Pleroma) and Kbin. There are also some federation issues with Beehaw which is running Lemmy, I'm not sure if there was some sort of update though that broke federation with Lotide or not.

On rebased, posts usually won't load anymore, and if they do, comments from Pleroma or Rebased instances don't federate properly. Mastodon seems to work perfectly fine though for some reason.

On Kbin, nothing loads properly at all. I can't follow any remote communities from Kbin.

I'll definitely keep my account here though and poke my head in now and again, even if I make a main account somewhere else. It'd be nice to have a Hacker News / lobsters-type Reddit alternative to recommend for the Fediverse.
