It used to not work like that when shorts first came out, there wasn’t even a bottom bar iirc this must be an old meme
Comment on We're going in the wrong direction 1 year ago
YouTube shorts do have controls, you can scrub through the video with the progress bar along the bottom edge of the screen? Unless they’re getting rid of it.
It doesn’t super matter to me, I try really hard to avoid short form content. My attention span is bad enough as-is 1 year ago 1 year ago
Gotcha, that makes sense 1 year ago
The bar is there, but I’ve never actually gotten it to work, it ignores any presses/clicks that I make 1 year ago
Stop leaving question marks at the end of statements. 1 year ago
I will do what I please, thank you very much.
The point of language is to convey ideas, and sometimes the most succinct way to communicate what you think and that you’re open to people disagreeing or alternative perspectives is to end a statement with a question mark.
Telling other people how to communicate because what they said disagrees with rules you arbitrarily made up is dumb. The text you quoted conveyed exactly what I meant, in the way that I meant it. 1 year ago
Its annoying? All it does is convey an inflection? People that talk like this in real life are fucking idiots? 1 year ago
If you misuse it to convey an inflection that doesn’t contextually make sense and use it over and over again, yes, it certainly is annoying.
You know what else is annoying? Badgering random people on the internet about using language in a way that you wouldn’t, despite the fact that it served their needs perfectly and conveyed exactly what they meant. You might even say that it’s something only “fucking idiots” who desperately need to feel smarter than others would do…
Also, in what world is “it only conveys inflection” a meaningful criticism- inflection is a vital part of communication thats often lost when interacting with people online. It helps convey what I mean, and therefore is an important part of communicating.