Comment on How reliable are EV chargers?

<- View Parent ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I have yet to see any believable evidence that there is any excessive reliability problems with Tesla cars. And don’t try to cite consumer reports. They lost my business after they wouldn’t stop recommending Samsung products.

We have lemon laws for a reason. Because lots of cars are lemons. You are just only hearing about it because every car fire or trim problem or excessive repair needs on a Tesla is a news story that you recall. There are many similar phenomena that are at play here. Start with the availability hueristic if you’re interested.

I’ve seen lots of lemons in my life. My parents car blew a transmission right away. So many car fires on the side of the road, and I bet you don’t even know that Hyundai and Kia owners are being advised to park outside because there’s a high risk of fire. That’s really bad. If your ice catches fire when it’s parked and off, that’s a serious design flaw.
