Comment on AITA for doing a GoFundMe? (Details within.) ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

What’s worse: Having your friends MAYBE “think less” of you for asking for money to fund your medical needs (and if they do think less, they weren’t your friends anyway)…or death? Because this sounds like life or death, dude. A Go-Fund Me isn’t asking 1 person to foot the bill for a large amount, it’s asking many people to give a small amount. My cousin did a Go-Fund Me when she had brain cancer and sent it to everyone she knew, and we all donated.

Do you need the money fir actual medical bills, the ticket to NY, or both? I guess an alternative is taking out a medical bill loan (a quick Google search says they exist), but I don’t know much about them. You said you have good credit, so you should be able to get one. Just because you have debt doesn’t mean they won’t give you the loan.

I’m sorry you’re going through this, and that our American health care system is such shit.
