Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Fantastic - made the jump a month ago. I don’t play FPS games. Those are the ones that have trouble running on Linux due to anti-cheast software, but the vast majority of my 600 steam games run with no issues it all - at sometimes running even better than on windows.

For example division 2 was sluggish on win11 on my Lenovo y540 (integrated GeForce whatever gaming laptop card) with 16gig of ram, now that I swapped over to Pop!_os - it doesn’t lag at all.

I mostly play single player games, but guild wars 2 2 and ff14 work great too if you are an MMO fan.

PoE works great if you want an ARPG to play.

Make the move and own your PC again.
