It’s fairly easy to keep them in check though.
Yea… please don’t get the two mixed up and spread harmful info online. The wild boars hear are dangerous, if you are out walking in the woods and stumble upon one, they won’t always run. They will try and hurt you and the tusk on these guys are dangerously sharp and can punch through skin like it’s butter.
On top of the danger part. They’re also super destructive to the environment, and we’re not talking just about crop loss either. 5 days ago 5 days ago
It’s really not, boars can breed multiple times per year, have litters between 2 and 12, and can breed as early as 6 months old.
It takes lots of effort to keep a population stable, actually eliminating them is very difficult. 5 days ago
In Hungary hunters love them. You get money for every boar shot and they make an okay stew. 5 days ago
They won’t try to hurt you if you keep distance. Have respect for wildlife 5 days ago
Yea…yea they will. You’re comment is the equivalent of telling people in Australia not to worry about spiders. They are dangerous animals here in the USA and will charge you even if you’re keeping your distance.