Comment on unleash your humanities 6 days agoMy point is not that fascism is just hate. I am sure you understood it though because you made your position clear.
Still I am intrigued to read more about your theories. That STEM and humanities meetup or the complex philosophical system that I don’t understand, could you give me a hint on where to start digging? 5 days ago
I’m kind of afraid to tell you because you’ll think you understand what the hell you’re talking about after a one hour documentary, like you thought you understood morality generally after the six hours of watching space wizards swing laser swords in each other’s general direction, but the dharmic religions, fuzzy taoism (that’s a whole thing) and bushido-which is mostly separate and kinda based on one guy who was as good at murder as he was bad at skin care. which I think makes me reverse miyamoto musashi.
and there are all sorts of places where they meet. my fav example of it is the old command and control/systems/cybernetics theory, where you had margaret mead(big 20th cultural anthropologist) and john von neumann(pure math guy) at the same conference. you get some in psychopharmacology but we don’t really study that at all scientifically so there’s not a lot there.
again, you don’t have any grasp on what you’re talking about for the first twenty hours. i promise. and if you think you have it figured out at 20 hours, you’re still probably wrong. there are monks that dedicate their lives to understanding this shit. you do not.
if you want the more western friendly version of bhuddism, try neitzsche, but he was deliberately abstruse specifically so dumb fucks wouldn’t think they understood his shit and misconstrue what he was saying. it didn’t work, but it did create a high barrier to entry. maybe that would be a good place to start. 5 days ago
Wow the arrogance and gatekeeping on you 5 days ago
this is literally a response to someone who said hating nazis was bad because they saw a movie about cyborg ninja alien space wizard samurai.
so, like, some compensation is definitely warranted. remains to be seen if I overshot. 5 days ago
Thanks a lot. By chance, do you know a lemmy channel where content in that area is posted? 5 days ago
please don’t try to learn this on social media. read an actual long-form book. you will not understand this based on social media interactions; I promise you. 5 days ago
I will look into that Nietzsche though.
Almost funny that you suggest him while he was instrumentalized by the fascists as a fascist.
It’s still strange that you stress punching nazis while you have a deeper understanding of their mentality. Don’t people fall back to group strength when they feel vulnerable themselves? Punching Nazis will confirm that vulnerability.