Does that apply in Europe? OP says most European capitals have direct flights, that take 2-4 hours, so that probably puts this somewhere in Europe.
Comment on [deleted] 1 week agoAs in subsistence farming or trying to bring food to market? If the former, it will be a hard path, but possible.
If the latter, have you seen what is happening in the current food markets? For produce (quick spoilage) other nations are rejecting our produce either because of tariffs or because of retaliatory tariffs. For commodity grains like corn and soybeans, previous giant consumers like USAID, USDA, and other agencies are being cut or destroyed entirely meaning there will be a glut of production on the market for some time. Couple that with visa restrictions/deportations, the price of labor will increase substantially. Food prices are going to crater for a time because of this, and some farmers will go out of business. Those that survive will increase prices to cover all of the new expenses, but they won’t be earning more profit from their work. 1 week ago 1 week ago
OP seems to be in Europe, so I’m not sure how much of your second point applies. 1 week ago
You’re right. I didn’t pick up on that. Thanks for that correction.