Definitely schoolyard behavior. Doesn’t make it an invalid concern or unworthy of advice, but a lot of adults are probably going to have a hard time relating to this situation. Most will look at this and have a reaction of “no, this situation is not ok”, or maybe “what’s the big deal?” if they lack empathy. Because this wouldn’t be ok with emotionally healthy and functional adults. But it also wouldn’t happen with adults (which is how, OP, you gave yourself away). Kids are much more casually cruel to each other than adults because their empathy is still developing and their perspectives acquired via life experience are still limited.
Comment on Is it asshole behavior to hate someone for saying "Hi, how are you?" 1 week ago
How old are these people? These sound like kids? 1 week ago 1 week ago
I feel like a chunk of the population of Lemmy is people who got banned from Reddit.
And a portion of that chunk got banned for being too young according to Reddit’s T&C, lol 1 week ago
Based on previous post, OP is 24.
Fuck it, this is Lemmy, let me cite the sources.
From: 1 week ago