Comment on Polish leader offers actor Jesse Eisenberg military training to 'land the new James Bond role' 1 day ago
Well we’ve tried all decrepit Bond, might as well try neurotic and weird Bond
Comment on Polish leader offers actor Jesse Eisenberg military training to 'land the new James Bond role' 1 day ago
Well we’ve tried all decrepit Bond, might as well try neurotic and weird Bond 1 day ago
This. Actually could be a good thing for the franchise, especially if the action is ruthless and needlessly brutal. Would make Bond a borderline psychopath with real unresolved issues. 1 day ago
No thank you. No need to transform a classic character and franchise into something they notably are not. Being cool and charismatic and smooth and whatnot, in other words essentially the polar opposite of the average Jesse Eisenberg character, is part of the core identity of the character itself. Change that and you don’t have Bond anymore. It’s a whole different character that shares the name for marketing purposes.
Nobody’s stopping nobody from writing their own movie with their own original character who happens to be a weird neurotic psychopathic nerdy secret agent, though. No need to hijack a cinema classic for that. 1 day ago
It already happened. The last James Bond character already clashed sharply with the seducer kung-fu fighter with cartoonish action moves and a gun expertise resembling Leslie Nielsen in the Naked Gun that were the original three. The James Bond figure constantly evolve to adapt to its audience and to the competitors (i’m looking at you, Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer).