Comment on Do you think the US will actually log its national parks? 1 day agoAs a Brit I say that it doesn’t make it ok that my country did shit things cause another did, I also like at our current behaviour. We are both still doing bad, shitty things.
USA rebuilt Japan to stop communism. 1 day ago
Nothing makes the past okay. Citing the past nihilistically only makes the future worse.
Your opinion of why the US did anything only serves to discredit why they actually did anything or the net benefit regardless of intent. 1 day ago
You’ve been a shitty country in the past and you’re a shitty country now. What are you trying to achieve by saying other countries do bad things too? 1 day ago
Simple if you choose to cite rando shit from centuries ago you’re not actually engaging.
It’s called low hanging fruit and apparently it’s the best you got. Take it up with the Dutch? I mean they raped the Congo… are you okay with rape? You never mentioned them in your recount of history.
Fact is the US fucking sucks because of current shit aka republicans. Blanket statements and blandly waving hands towards the past few centuries doesn’t help at all. 1 day ago
I haven’t got a clue what you’re trying to achieve here…other countries did bad things, I know. But we aren’t talking about those countries, so I don’t understand why you’d bring them up.
Nor have I mentioned “the past few centuries”…there’s no need.
Can you enlighten me as to what your objective is?