Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 1 day agoGreetings Hrothgar, a fine day to you and your brethren. What news comes from Yondrha, beyond the Troll Gates of Ananhk?
Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 1 day agoGreetings Hrothgar, a fine day to you and your brethren. What news comes from Yondrha, beyond the Troll Gates of Ananhk? 1 day ago
The trolls are advancing, they have sensed the absence of the dogs of war and are trying their luck
The neighbourhood trolls Trolls beyond the gate 1 day ago
Fly now then, noble one! Lest ye be smited (smoten? smitten?) by the return of the Wolfish ones, and sip the milk of paradise