Comment on How can a military buy fighter jets that the seller has kill switches for? 5 hours ago
Tanks and fighter jets are becoming less rekevant. The war in Ukraine underlines how drones are changing everything. They’re cheaper to manufacture (and buy/retrofit) and just about everybody can make or reverse-engineer them. 3 hours ago
We already have auto-tracking drones. They can lock onto a person and follow them around. The intended use is to allow live streamers and YouTubers to be able to stream/record video by simply sending the drone out. But if it can automatically track and follow a person, it can likely be reprogrammed to automatically home in on a person. And at that point, it’s just a matter of strapping some C4 to it. 2 hours ago
The game changer will be swarm capable drones.
A few smart drones can be used to guide a swarm of cheaper drones on target. Additional sensor drones can feed back info to improve this.
Currently, defensive systems can cope with a drone attack. However, if you have 20 coming in from all directions, in perfect coordination, they will be overwhelmed. You don’t even need all of them to be armed, just a couple, protected by the rest.
Current drone usage is akin to the first tanks in WWI. The WWII equivalent will be terrifying. 3 hours ago
Their tracking capability sucks though, what you see in the promotional vids is now what they’re capable of.
The struggle to keep up with someone lightly jogging