Comment on What is the point of the Nicole spam? 1 day agoThe initial fishing is a low effort, wide net. What follows actually takes the investment of man hours and/or other resources. They would rather get 1 catch they can take all the way, than 500 where 495 will figure it out later and bail. 1 day ago
Sure but there’s no evidence that the typos effectively weed out the ones they don’t want. 1 day ago
No evidence that we have. The spammers obviously think it’s worth doing however, and they are the ones that would have the statistics. 1 day ago
All the evidence we do have demonstrates that the typos evade Bayesian filters and improve deliverability. This is demonstrably true.
When you hear hoof beats think horses not zebras. 1 day ago
Provide the evidence? 1 day ago
Does it however? I’m not up to speed on modern anti spam, but a huge number of spelling mistakes screams spam to me. I would be extremely surprised if it wasn’t the case. The best way to deliver spam is to make it indistinguishable from legit messages.
Also, the existence of spear fishing implies it’s a choice.