- Comment on What game do you really want to play, but haven't yet because you feel it in your soul that it will get a remake/remaster soon enough? 1 day ago:
Makes sense, though unlike zero mission i suspect it would essentially be a graphical update more than a remake. Gameplay-wise dread isn’t that different from super
- Comment on Why are Maries Sues hated while Gary Stus are loved? 1 week ago:
Lol plenty of stuff with Mary sues comes out including in anime and nobody cares (except you apparently)
- Comment on What is the point of the Nicole spam? 2 weeks ago:
If their claim is so preposterous then why are they providing sources and you’re not. Writing longer and longer walls of text and being more and more disrespectful isn’t going to convince anyone. If you have evidence just provide it instead of insisting is exists.
- Comment on What is the point of the Nicole spam? 2 weeks ago:
Provide the evidence?
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
More like he was one person in a company and gets all the credit because society can’t fathom that anybody other than the leech on top has the impact they really do
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
Pretty sure Apple just packaged shit other companies made with extraordinary marketing. Like the ipod circle everybody went nuts for they settled a lawsuit with creative because of patent infringement. I actually had a creative zen and loved it because it didn’t have Apple software trying to control my music library.
- Comment on Trump threatens to impose 'large scale' sanctions on Russia until a peace agreement with Ukraine is reached 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
If all the companies that sell a common good at the supermarket shrinkflate, then are you supposed to just not but tortillas? For most, the answer is too sigh and still make burritos or whatever
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 3 months ago:
Do you actually have a point? Innocent children slain: bad. Evil leech that has a large part in oppressing us - maybe not so bad.
Do you really think the dude being white has anything to do with it? Pretty sure “CEO of health insurance company” is a sufficient descriptor and race has nothing to do with it
- Comment on Players are now less "accepting" that games will be fixed, say Paradox, after "underestimating" the reaction to Cities: Skylines 2's performance woes 5 months ago:
I completely agree that business ghouls doing business ghoul things make studios make worse games… doesn’t really affect my point though… studios are not making games based on a “bar” set by the consumers as described in the original post…
- Comment on Players are now less "accepting" that games will be fixed, say Paradox, after "underestimating" the reaction to Cities: Skylines 2's performance woes 5 months ago:
They are part of the studios… point was “the bar” is “fun/interesting”. The vast majority of people that purchase games don’t have a bar as defined by the content I originally replied to.
- Comment on Players are now less "accepting" that games will be fixed, say Paradox, after "underestimating" the reaction to Cities: Skylines 2's performance woes 5 months ago:
Studios can make whatever they want. People aren’t putting in orders.
- Comment on Is martial arts really that useful? 6 months ago:
MMA has rules that don’t exist in real fights that almost certainly affect the dominance of styles
- Comment on Is linux actually gaming ready or is it just not for me? 6 months ago:
It’s better today than it was a year ago, and WAY better than it was 3 years ago, and is still improving. There are a few categories of games where you are likely to have problems though.
- competitive multiplayer games [kernel level anticheat, that one will probably remain a problem]
- very old games [getting better all the time, because wine is getting better all the times]
- very new AAA games [they mostly use one of a handful of game engines, so they tend to get fixed in batches]
I would say whether linux is ready for (windows) gaming depends on is different per person predicated on:
- What categories of games you play
- Any specific problematic game that is a dealbreaker for you
For me, I tend to play some older games, and there are a few that don’t work well. I don’t want to boot windows, so I just decide I can wait for it to get there for them.
For some people, “ready” means will run every windows program as if running on windows. We’re still a ways off from that, if we ever get there (it’s a moving target, as windows is still being developed…)
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 7 months ago:
That is a very rudimentary understanding of the system that doesn’t always pan out in a particular time frame or due to external factors.
- It takes time for that effect to occur
- It doesn’t take into account barriers to entry, of which there are many for food
- It doesn’t take into account that there are are actually a small number of companies that own the bulk of our food supply chain and it’s in their financial interest to keep prices high for things that are perceived as luxury
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 7 months ago:
It’s literally just because people will pay the price they’re asking…
- Comment on Am I the only person that feels that retro games are better? 10 months ago:
Hollow Knight is pretty different than metroid games and I’m not sure I’d directly compare them. I’m the only person I know that doesn’t like Hollow Knight and it seems like the departures it makes from the classic metroidvania formula that put me off it are part of the reason other people like it
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
This is completely besides the point, but I personally view factory farming as different than what happens in nature.
This is also beside the point, but you are making some wild logical leaps here. The fact that I personally don’t want to support factory farming because I think it is cruel in no way means that I think other people “enjoy animal suffering” and assuming that is arbitrarily assigning thoughts I have never had to me.
None of the above is really relevant because I should be allowed to go about my day without justifying my dietary choices just as people that eat meat should.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
In my experience it’s usually more like: Them: here have some of this meat thing Me: No thanks Them: why not it’s really good try some Me: i don’t eat meat Them: but why? Me: to reduce animal cruelty and environmental harm Them: wow how dare you be so judgy
I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to not offend this type of person in this situation and frankly I don’t think it’s my fault or my problem they’re offended. My theory is that that agree with my reasons but rather than change or live with the cognitive dissonance they just lash out at anyone that reminds them they could be living more ethically even if they basically MAKE them say it.
Blaming vegans for that is bullshit, frankly