And it won’t be recreating the mammoth, just giving mammoth-like features to an elephant.
It’s a truly strange project.
Comment on woolly mice on rice all nice 12 hours agoGenetic researchers have created a breed of woolly mice loosely based on woolly mammoth phenotypes. This is supposed to be a test run before they try to do the harder job of recreating the mammoth.
And it won’t be recreating the mammoth, just giving mammoth-like features to an elephant.
It’s a truly strange project.
Maybe to make it better tolerate colder climates?
As if Denmark isn’t flat enough already without introducing a bunch of fluffy pachyderms… 11 hours ago
But why is there a… rock? donut hole? geode? Next to the wooly mouse? I feel like it’s a pun I’m missing. 9 hours ago
As a Canadian it looks like a timbit being used for scale 7 hours ago
Is that what 1/8 of a byte is called when getting a donut in Canada? 7 hours ago
Specifically from Tim Hortons, which despite not having been Canadian in ages still gets treated like a Canadian icon 11 hours ago
No idea 10 hours ago
A delicious potato croquette