Yeah and then people will die because of it. Oopsie, right? If they ask you a question, answer it truthfully. If you have a question about it, ask them about it. If something isn’t a big deal, they won’t reject it. If it is, they will. Simple as.
yeah but you’re not hearing my question. literally no one is going to say sorry, can’t donate, got a mosquito bite 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
i assume you’ve never donated plasma 2 weeks ago
Try again. But by all means, be selfish and lie on the forms since you are arrogant enough to know better than the people who actually collect the blood, or the teams that carefully create these questionaires. It’s not like these are there for both your safety and the safety of the patient. 2 weeks ago
out of all the stupid things to not get and persist in misunderstanding 9 hours ago
Just commenting to let you know that you’re not crazy, that guy is a dumbass.