Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 1 day ago
It’s mostly the red hat cult that doesn’t trust science.
Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 1 day ago
It’s mostly the red hat cult that doesn’t trust science. 1 day ago
What do you have against 1 day ago
They shifted to a paid subscription model and fucked over any goodwill they had. Yeah they were major contributors to open source, but we gave them clemency because we didn’t think they’d position themselves to fuck us over so eagerly. Had we known, we wouldn’t have made so many downstream distros from them. 1 day ago
When was RHEL non-sub? I’m guessing you’re thinking of the code availability change, or maybe centos? Or are you literally thinking of the RH and not RHEL?
Still are.
I remember rocky, alma, oracle, and Amazon. 2 of those are now upstream, 2 are still downstream (and only 1 wasn’t corpo backed).
Alternatively they might not have made that change if people weren’t literally repacking their product and trying to steal their market share by giving it away for free with cheaper enterprise support. Imagine telling that to a room of rich shareholders. 1 day ago
You can’t jump on an already successful FOSS product, make large changes to it under an extremely copy-left license free for all to use, and then turn around and claim that people are stealing your license.
In the world of business where everyone claims to have bootstrapped their products out of thin air? Sure, use that Looney tunes logic. 1 day ago
Not that red hat cult, the other one. 😂 1 day ago
This one?…
I really don’t get it. 1 day ago
MAGA cult