Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 2 days agoWhat is this, 2013? I suppose you think saying “TRIGGERED!!!” is some kind of gotcha moment or something lol.
Hilarious. 2 days ago 2 days ago
Hello 🤡 2 days ago
They were calling out how stupid you sound and how flimsy your argument is. Your initial comment was the weakest sauce imaginable and you should be made well aware of how dumb it sounds. For your own sake as other people will look at your text and absolutely comment the same conclusion.
I’m sorry you keyed into a single term from OP like “triggered”, but please be aware you sound like an idiot, you made an idiot’s comment and those types of comments are worth ridicule.
Please understand how plain I can be with this text, no confusion, no mistakes… your comment was that fucking stupid and everyone noticed. 2 days ago
Gee golly. You sure put me in my place. I guess I should just go away and never come back, huh?
Please smack yourself. This ain’t the hill you wanna die on. 2 days ago
Love how your comment is in the negative before I even noticed it happened…
This looks like the hill to die on, where your comment already died on. That’s nothing I have to bother with…
In case you can’t understand, your comments are being viewed as negative and useless. So what hill do you want to talk about? 2 days ago
Oh, you take great pride in karma and such for validation. Got it.
Yeah, folks like you are no fun. To easy to manipulate. I’d rather have a good discussion with an insult thrown here and there. All in good fun.
You seem very invested in this and you’re not even the one that kicked it off. Calm down Mr Serious Pants.