Also worth noting, segregation may have “ended” in 64, but there’s still soft segregation to this day. There’s a massive divide in culture, that’s left over from administrations such as Reagan. Racism still hasn’t ended, although it has gotten a lot better just in the time I’ve been alive. 2 days ago
Yep. Interestingly, conservatives disagree on this. They’ll say that black people have absolutely nothing to complain about post Civil Rights Act of 1964. They think that once the law changed, everything else is just a matter of personal merit and fortune. They only recognize institutional racism. They seem to think either that personal and cultural racism doesn’t exist, or (more likely) that that is a personal choice which no one has any business complaining about. 1 day ago
At least Trump doesn’t seem to be racist. He said multiple times he wants a leadership that doesn’t see color. Even his wife is foreign so you can tell that he’s better in that regard compared to the previous administration who constantly made a thing about people’s skin color.
Trump seems to just employ people based on their character and won’t praise it for being “the first black person in X position” like it has been done previously which I think is a good step in the right direction of getting rid of these racist stereotypes. 1 day ago
I see you’ve fallen into thinking that as long as we don’t talk about race, there’s no racism. And that actively trying to do something about racism draws attention to it, and is therefore racist.
The whole “I don’t see race” thing is empty. You can claim you don’t see race and so you don’t want to hear about it, while black people systematically get turned down for mortgages and have their houses appraised for less.
Maybe you don’t “see race” but society as a whole still does and you can see it in the numbers. Pointing that out and asking what we can do about it is not racism! That is not what racism ever was.
I would say that “not seeing race” is all well and good but you shouldn’t try to say that because you don’t think you see race, no one does, and therefore everyone should never mention it again. Do you see how that’s several leaps of logic thrown into one? And it makes you look like you’re desperate to bury any talk of the subject, which might be, you know… racist?
I agree the end state we would all like is one where no one sees race. But there’s no use pretending we are there when we aren’t.