Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 days agoAh and now with the name calling. And yeah you tried to argue more about the Amazon worker being a cherry pick when it doesn’t matter at all.
Listen kid, I’m all for not killing brown people by the millions too. I’m glad we agree on that.
Where we don’t agree, and where you’ve been utterly put in your place beyond question, is on the topic of whether only CEOs benefit from American empire. All Americans do. Period. That’s the only topic here. Me saying it’s now closed is not smugness: it’s a fact. You can call me more names if it makes you feel better. 3 days ago
The level of smugness is completely off the charts.
You literally didn’t respond to any of my counterarguments at all. Not a single word. All you did was lay out an opening position and instantly declare victory, over and over.
If you support American imperialism, then yes you are. You can pretend to have a problem with the more grotesque elements necessary to maintain your goals all you like, your criticism is purely rhetorical, and even then extremely soft. 3 days ago
I haven’t expressed any preferences or allegiances any way. All I argued with was the contention that only the “ruling class” benefit from American dominated world order. That’s plainly false.
Next thing I know you’re wailing about killing brown people and trying to pivot the topic and telling me I’m all for imperialism and an asshole. Yes I’m ignoring your bullshit tangents and tantrums, because that’s what they are.
You made a claim. It’s wrong. If anyone here is too full of themselves it’s you, because you are demonstrably incapable of recognizing when you are plainly wrong, and will yell expletives at anyone who dares point out that you are. 3 days ago
You’re “refutation” that you act like was so decisive was just reciting Reaganite supply side economic orthodoxy. 3 days ago
Come talk to me when the impoverished of the world stop risking life and limb to be here. You think you’re the embattled poor but by global standards you are not, and when American empire falls, you will feel it too.
It’s that simple. Mic drop.