Thank you. I just signed up and am happy to be able to test drive through June.
Comment on You knew it was coming: Google begins testing AI-only search results 2 weeks ago
Obligatory mention of Kagi
And my code link for 3 people to try it for 3 months. 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
Thanks, I’ve been on the fence for a while, doing the free trial now 2 weeks ago
I’ve been using Kagi for ~2 months, after a friend gave me a similar invite code. this news from Google affirmed my decision to pay for Kagi once the 3-month trial is over, instead of going back to Google. 2 weeks ago
What’s it worth? 2 weeks ago
their pricing page is here.
I’m paying 10 USD/month for their unlimited plan, there’s also a 5 USD/month tier but I’m sure that I would exceed its 300 searches/month limit.
so it’s not dirt-cheap, but not stupidly expensive either. I can afford it, and I’m happy to pay it because it’s a business model that I would like to see succeed.