Comment on nets 1 day agoLol at “landfill” being different from “dumped into nature” in your brain
Comment on nets 1 day agoLol at “landfill” being different from “dumped into nature” in your brain 1 day ago
A proper landfill is a set aside, contained area, that has systems in place for things like managing pollutants from leaking into the water table, keeping people and animals away from it so as to not infect themselves, monitoring the temperature and emmissions of the landfill, etc.
They aren’t all so advanced or well staffed, but a whole lot of landfills are, and they are better for the environment and human and animal populations than just letting trash pile up everywhere, willy nilly.
They obviously are not perfect, but they are certainly bettwr than nothing. 1 day ago
Your explanation doesn’t make me less amused but is interesting 1 day ago
You clearly have no clue about how waste disposal and managent works then, maybe learn some of the basics before publically embarassing yourself next time.
As the saying goes:
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. 1 day ago
You’re being extremely hostile for no real reason. I’m allowed to be amused that two similar concepts are distinct in your head. You have zero reason to be offended right now, but you’ve decided to take up arms and be an ass. 1 day ago
I don’t agree with your comments bashing people for arguing that landfills don’t necessarily work better than any other piece of land. There is a genuine case to be made that what you describe is idealistic and reality might be more bleak. these perfect landfills might as well be as sophisticated as the perfect “clean coal” plant or even a “carbon credit” plant that billionaires use to launder their wealth.
With the kind of corruption I have seen in government across the world I think you’re naive thinking advanced tech works really well in a system known for corruption and inneficiency.