Comment on What is the attraction to kids? ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

There are multiple parts to your question. I’m going to try to break it down.

First, there’s a difference between a pedophile and a child molester. Pedophilia is a sexual attraction to children, but it does not, by itself, require the person to take action. A child molester is a person that sexually assaults children. It’s the difference between being heterosexual, and being a rapist; you can be straight and still be entirely celibate.

Child molesters may not be sexually attracted to children at all; some might be, but people that commit rape aren’t usually doing it solely for sexual gratification, although sex is definitely part of it.

We don’t know how common pedophilia is because of how heavily stigmatized it is.

You don’t understand how a person could be sexually attracted to children; the simplest way to explain it is to ask if you can understand how a man can be sexually attracted to another man. IIRC, most research indicates that pedophilia probably is a sexual orientation, much like being straight, gay, or bisexual is (except that there is no moral or ethical way for a pedophile to have a sexual or romantic relationship with a child; that is always both predatory and criminal). Do pedophile child molesters believe that they’re having a relationship? Some of them, yes. They’re able to delude themselves into believing that the child wants the attention and sex (really sexual assault), when they’re–probably–the one that has groomed the child in the first place.

I cannot understand the attraction to kids. Even teens.

I can. When I was a child, I was sexually attracted to my peers. 14yo kids are having sex with each other, so clearly they’re attracted to each other. As an adult, I can see women in their 20s as being sexually attractive, while still having zero interest in them (y’all seem really young, and not in a good way, if y’know what I mean). Sexual maturity isn’t a magical thing that happens when you hit 18 (or whatever the age of consent is where you live); it’s a sliding scale.

Should AI generated CSAM and CP be treated the same as a real person since it promotes the same issues?

I don’t think that you can make a person into a pedophile, any more than you can make a person gay. A person either is, or isn’t, a pedophile, and CG CSAM isn’t going to change that. So the question is, does CG CSAM make it more likely that a pedophile will end up sexually abusing a child? My intuition says that it will not, in the same way that the proliferation of pornography has not made sexual assault of adults more common. (Some research indicates that the availability of pornography has decreased rates of sexual assault.) Child pornography is illegal–in part–because it cannot be produced without causing real harm to children. CG CSAM doesn’t cause real harm to any person though; unless there’s evidence that it increases the rates of child sexual abuse, I don’t think that the squick factor is a reasonable basis for banning it. OTOH, adult pornography has generally led to a relaxation of sexual mores and norms–which I believe is a generally positive thing–and it’s possible that CG CSAM would normalize child sexual abuse sufficiently that libertarians would be able to severely weaken age of consent and statutory rape laws. I don’t really know, TBH; I’d want to see more research rather than reflexively banning it.
