Not just the inside, most of the time the outside is just a slot with no other parts or detail whatsoever.
Comment on Hentai is art 3 days ago
Anyone notice the inside of vaginas look weird
Why do hentai artists draw the inside like the inside of a sea anenome thst clownfish live in 3 days ago 3 days ago
That’s partially because of their censorship laws forbid showing the clitoris and other anatomy. 3 days ago
Because not many of us know exactly how it looks like and it might not look very good / be easy to draw 3 days ago
Why not look up the footage of Medical cameras that can go inside there online 3 days ago
Because that’s how their onahole is shaped. 3 days ago
Going to japan and seeing those in shops was wild. 3 days ago
I’ve heard that they only have escalators that go up, so you need to traverse the entire section to go down. 3 days ago
Only in a few places, but yeah, that’s a thing. Though there are also stairs.