Comment on Red Flag Warning? Neighbor Has Fire 3 days ago
Yeah, I’ve got one of those selfish MAGA nuts living behind me. Dude lives in a house that was rebuild after a firestorm burned 95% of the neighborhood to the ground, and he lived here during that rebuilding period.
A few 4th of July’s ago he was firing illegal mortars off his balcony and shooting firearms into the air. He was doing this once an hour for 12 hours before the cops hauled him away.
I stupidly asked him to stop because of fire risk and the fact that our pets were going nuts. He proceeded to try to fight me while yelling about freedom and other stupid MAGA shit.
He lives on the top of the hill in our neighborhood. So if he starts a fire, his place is almost sure to go. Fire runs up. He’s a fucking moron.
Report the guy to the cops or fire department if you can. Have multiple neighbors do it. 3 days ago
can’t you just shoot them and say it was self defense? 3 days ago
Image 3 days ago
The good news is that this guy is probably going to self-destruct. He’s constantly getting in trouble with the law. 3 days ago
well that’s good then, maybe the cops will defend themselves! 3 days ago
He’s tried to fist fight the cops several times, so that’s a very real possibility.