Comment on Not real... *for now* 1 day ago
No ads, no masters.
There’s never been a worthwhile server with unskippable or unblockable ads.
Comment on Not real... *for now* 1 day ago
No ads, no masters.
There’s never been a worthwhile server with unskippable or unblockable ads. 1 day ago
This is exactly why I stopped watching Twitch. It was the only service I tolerated ads on. Until they hit a point where the frequency and number of ads were just unbearable and I haven’t opened the site since. 1 day ago
Like one person uses them responsibly, like specifically for bathroom breaks, forces them at specific times so people don’t miss out on content. 1 day ago
Twitch also requires you to do a certain number of ads per hour/amount of ad time per hour in order to hit the partnership levels for decent pay. Otherwise, IIRC, Twitch puts their own ads in and the streamer doesn’t receive any revenue from the ads.
I think Thor over at Pirate Software did a video on it back when that whole “Twitch Adpocalypse” drama was happening. 2 hours ago
Thor is the one person I was referencing 23 hours ago
Yeah, the issue is that if you don’t run ads, Twitch will just put their own in before your stream starts. And this absolutely kills any sort of discoverability for your channel; If new viewers have to watch 90 seconds of ads before they can even see your stream, they’ll just bail.
So for the sake of growing your channel, it’s actually better to run ads. Because then your viewers aren’t immediately blasted by a ton of unskippable ads as soon as they start your stream. 1 day ago
Why not just use an adblock? 23 hours ago
Doesn’t work on Twitch; They embed the ads directly in the stream. 20 hours ago
Oh, is that right? I basically only watch 1 channel and I’m subbed, so I guess I just never noticed… I tried to get an ad on Twitch for the past 30 minutes watching several streamers though and didn’t get a single one. 15 hours ago
Look up Twitch Ad Solutions, there’s a github page where you can find a couple different options. The Alternate Twitch player another commentor mentioned is what I use because I like the adjustable chat and auto-collect bits feature 22 hours ago
Alternate Player for Twitch on firefox makes the stream load for a few seconds and makes it a little pixelated for a few seconds, but I’ve never seen an ad on it, and the feed is nearly continuous.
Twitch adblocking could use a few more solutions, though. 23 hours ago
You can make a black screen to cover up the ads, you can’t skip it, but you can avoid seeing it. 1 day ago
Ad block software doesn’t work on Twitch anymore because they embed the ads directly into the stream.