A high carbohydrate and so high insulin-producing plant-based diet certainly isn’t healthy for me. The evidence that it is extremely problematic for many if not most people is compelling.
A high carbohydrate and so high insulin-producing plant-based diet certainly isn’t healthy for me. The evidence that it is extremely problematic for many if not most people is compelling.
rah@feddit.uk 5 days ago
What about a low carbohydrate plant-based diet?
davesmith@feddit.uk 5 days ago
Please direct me to a low carbohydrate plant-based diet.
rah@feddit.uk 5 days ago
I’m not sure what you mean by "direct"ing you to a diet?
davesmith@feddit.uk 5 days ago
Oh I see, it’s the angry non-factual person.
I am not wasting my time with this. Block it is.
DakRalter@thelemmy.club 5 days ago
Read The China Study and the work by Dr Neal Bernard. Type 2 diabetes can be reversed (not always, but it can be) or reduced. My mum had her dose of type 2 meds reduced by about half when she went on a plant based diet, because her blood sugar went too low on her regular dose.
davesmith@feddit.uk 5 days ago
You didn’t say what diet your mum changed from. You could replace a lot of grains and root vegetables (very high in carbohydrate) with a lot of non-root vegetables and see a big reduction in diabetes symptoms, but that doesn’t mean the diet is particularly low carbohydrate.