How is Putin the biggest fascist threat for Europe? Fascism was literally born in Europe and exported elsewhere, we have Nazi and fascist parties getting consistent growth election after election in basically every EU country.
Believe it or not, Europe isn’t at war with Russia, we should be struggling in favour of diplomacy to reduce both our and their military expenditure… which is hard to do when riding hard the NATO wave. Ffs Europe was building gas pipelines with Russia 3.2 years ago, we’re really still capable of separating ourselves from fascist US, reduce military expenditure with fascist Russia, and take care of our own fascist problems. 3 days ago
It is so fucking sad that the tolerance “paradox” goes all the way to fucking war.
Like you literally have to fight a war against war seekers if you don’t want war. Like fucking hell, why can’t we at least be chill there?