Comment on Question about (what I think are) gay selfies 6 days ago
I know it’s a bit difficult, coming from your bubble and all but most things people do are not related to their sexuality but personality. If you saw a hetero guy or gal post selfies like that you would also not think of them being hetero as the reason why they do this but because they like this pose / think they look cute like that.
This is an unconscious bias. It takes some time to rewire your brain. But I see you are willing to and that’s already the best start. 6 days ago
Oh for sure. This guy is just flamboyant as hell and it just kinda seemed like this was part of it. No one else I’ve known did that. Again, small sample size bias, but that’s why I thought to ask before assuming. I came here to see if these 2s added up to 4 just based on the vibe I felt.