Comment on Common Ground 6 days agoOh no! How will I know what right wingers think? That would mean I need to open a newspaper! Or turn on a television! Or spend an evening with my mother in law’s new boyfriend!
Fuck off with your echo chamber bullshit.
I know what they want. They want to hurt me and mine. And I’m not going to roll over. 6 days ago
So you don’t believe us all being in echo chambers is going to make the situation worse?
Do you believe that you can’t get any right wingers to turn left wing? What about vice versa?
I couldn’t give a fuck what they think you pleb, I am interesting in trying to get people to open their eyes and leave the right and come join us on the left.
Many of those people have been lied to, just as much as we have and I believe given the opportunity we would be able to reason people out of their mindsets to find a common enemy which is elites.
Unless you just want to hang around here and we can all wank each other off a how much more superior we are because of our beliefs whilst never actually increasing our numbers because nobody wants to interact with the perceived other side.
Funny how you can now what all republicans want, but I’m sure you would take issue if they said all leftists want the exact same thing. 6 days ago
I love how the comment degenerates into madness slowly like a bad copy pasta.