Wow, gopher. There’s something I haven’t heard in many many years. It must have been around 95-96 the last time I used that. You sure know how to make a guy feel old.
Comment on Anyone remember this? 5 days ago
I even remember using Gopher which was the closest there was to HTTP and Browsers before they were invented.
(Also, don’t get me started on FTPmail).
And no, even with the enshittification of the last decade or so, I would still not call those “the good old days”.
Now, get out of my lawn you wipper snappers! 4 days ago 4 days ago
I was introduced to the web by a friend who told me about this new, gopher-like thing with hypertext.
I actually used NN to read stuff from Tim Barners-Lee’s original NeXT cube server at CERN.