Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago
As a guy, best I can say is educate him on what women go through. Make sure he knew what is going on, so he doesn’t look like an idiot with a woman. And so he isn’t like me and learn about how periods actually work when he’s almost thirty because he doesn’t get a joke in a movie.
What he needs to learn at this age isn’t what he will do through, school will do that for him. He needs to know what others will go through. Religious thinking kept most of female anatomy out of the public schools I went to. 1 week ago
So what movie taught you about periods? 1 week ago
Happy Feet. (the sequel obviously) 1 week ago
Ahh, thought it would have been Crimson Tide 1 week ago
I could have said The Shining :p