Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd 1 week ago
Bad week this time:
I got a bit tired of Trails of Cold Steel 2, so to take a break I tried playing Wolfenstein 2, but it gave me motion sickness (not sure why, as the game is running fine and I tried increasing the fov, which usually works for me). I started looking for other games to play, but I can’t find anything that clicks.
I tried CrossCode again, restarting it after stopping a while ago at the first real dungeon (the mines).
I really like the art, the characters are charming and the premise is interesting enough.
The puzzles are alright, altho they’ve already started getting repetitive (I’m after the halfway point of the second dungeon). The combat too seems alright, but the enemies are really annoying to fight, as they all force you to wait to hit them, which I find really boring.
Overall I don’t like it and will very likely drop it now. After like 10 hours the actual story hasn’t advanced much and the MMO’s story is not at all interesting. I tried doing a few sidequests as I had heard they were good and I felt I was underleveled, but I ended up being disappointed by what I found. Same for the exploration, mostly because it was unrewarding and the graphics lack depth, making telling apart different heights for puzzles and platforming really hard. I could probably keep ranting, but I’ll end it here. 4 days ago
CrossCode’s dungeons don’t get better, sadly; they’re almost all ricochet puzzles. I watched the remainder of it on YouTube.