Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 2 days ago
Grayjay can get around that issue in most cases.
Comment on YouTube won't let me watch a video unless I sign in... 2 days ago
Grayjay can get around that issue in most cases. 1 day ago
Unfortunately that is proprietary softwar, I.e. it restricts the users four essential freedoms :/ 1 day ago
Men, as long as it works… I can always switch off grayjay 1 day ago
Whats wrong with it? its open source: 1 day ago
It’s source available, not open source.
It severely limits what can legally be done by restricting modifications and prohibiting “commercial” distribution:
Non-commercial purposes is extremely vague by the way. Depending on the country - or even the court in a country - nearly everything distributed on the internet is for commercial purposes.
For example, in Germany, only commercial websites have to put up a legal disclosure consisting of address, full name, phone number and email. Yet courts have ruled that every single website that is available to the public is “commercial” - only private webpages available to a handful of people are non-commercial. If anyone redistributed the software in Germany this license would be grounds for a successful lawsuit.