It’s so weird to me how many people seem to just hate Sony for doing milder versions of what Nintendo and Microsoft have been doing for much longer.
Sony didn’t buy Zenimax or Activision-Blizzard. Or heck, you could point to the gigantic graveyard of studios that EA and Microsoft have purchased and shut down over the years. 5 weeks ago
… Nintendo literally personally develops their exclusives, let’s not pretend that’s an apples to apples comparison.
Xbox is absolutely terrible at buying exclusives though, yes. Worse than Sony, arguably. 5 weeks ago
Nintendo doesn’t “personally” do anything. They are a corporation.
And they do purchase both IP’s and studios. Just off the top of my head they bought Monolith from Bandai-Namco and Bayonetta has been exclusive ever since the second one.
Microsoft has been way worse than Sony. Zenimax alone was might have been bigger than Sony’s entire portfolio depending on how you measure. Activision-Blizzard was far, far bigger. And at least with Zenimax, it seems like most of their studios have gotten worse since acquisition, with a lot of them being shut down.
I don’t mean to overly defenf Sony, but just paying publishers for 1 year of exclusivity seems pretty mild in comparison. I’d prefer they didn’t buy studios like Bungie, but at the same time the acquisitions of Naughty Dog and Insomniac seem to have worked out pretty well. 5 weeks ago
As for Bayonettas since 2, Nintendo’s publishing it for PlatinumGames, who used to be a Nintendo second party. They started working with Sega in 2008 iirc because Nintendo literally pointed Sega their way (This is the same time period when Nintendo was giving Sega work to try to dig them out of their hole, e.g. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games). My understanding is that internally Nintendo still considers PlatinumGames a second party dev, despite Sega publishing several games for them. 5 weeks ago
My point is; there are more platforms that do exclusives. 5 weeks ago
The problem isn’t having exclusives, it’s buying exclusives to punish customers, which Sony (and Xbox) does. 5 weeks ago
It’s one of their business models, so of course they do. Sony, Xbox and Epic Games.
I don’t like it either but that’s the current world we live in and until majority stop purchasing the exclusives, they will keep doing it. 5 weeks ago
“to publish customers”
To benefit their company, they don’t think about punishing the customers for a single second when they make those decisions.