Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago“Aluminium is bad for you” has never been proven true for the general public and the association with breast cancer has been disproven for years.
On “deodorant is just perfume”, I should’ve been more descriptive. I mean [spray, liquid] perfume is better than white stick deodorant, which clumps together, forms a wax on your skin (increases perspiration) and stains clothes. And is expensive for the quality of fragrance you get.
I use CertainDri unscented antiperspirant under my arms and a Green Irish Twead knockoff every day and sweat less and smell better than anything that stick deodorant could offer. 5 weeks ago
I’m not looking to elevate my smell, just nullify the bad stuff, but there is the added benefit of a hint of goodness. I do put on cologne for formal events though.
For the aluminum stuff, I am regurgitating something I believed to be true, but I should read more into it because it appears I may be incorrect, so apologies there if I’m in fact wrong.
I personally haven’t noticed the clumping or the waxy coating you mentioned, but I can see how others may run into that based on different brands I’ve tried. I’ve used the same stuff for years now, but I don’t know what it is, Degree Sport maybe? I don’t like gel sticks and I hate the actual gel ones. I’d sooner roll the dice that I don’t stink by EoD than use the gel.