There’s more to it than that. I’m talking about a dictatorship, where trump flaunts the law, more than he already has.
Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks agoI think you need some perspective. The situation is bad and seems like foreshadowing of worse things to come. However, we’re a pretty far distance from states pulling away or civil war breaking out. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Um, not so much. California is going to have a vote on state independence on the next ballot. I can see Texas following suit. 5 weeks ago
And does anyone actually think those have a chance of passing right now?
There’s always been talk of succession here and there, but we just aren’t at the point of the US actually breaking up. 5 weeks ago
Yeah we aren’t anywhere close to the point of states breaking out of the union. Some people will call for it, maybe even a lot. But as soon as they realize what is required that shit will stop immediately. California would quite literally need to go to war with the union to gain that independence regardless of what they voted. So not only would they need to actually vote for it but then they’d have to be willing to go to war and kill and die for that separation and their independence.
As strong as people feel, we aren’t even close to that point. Not to mention it would fail; none of the states currently have any hope of competing against the US military machine. Give us a couple hundred more years to really really deteriorate and siphon all value from the people and land and we may be there. 5 weeks ago
I dunno, the US military machine may not be that impressive for very long the way they’re going 5 weeks ago
doubtful, the usa isnt to keen on balkanization.