Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 4 days ago
You are the best friend. You tell it like it is. When a funeral comes around, you smirk in the knowledge that we’ll all be dead soon. People need spicy truths like that distilled into one word responses, it screams of eloquence and high-brow thinking.
Why waste time on the uggs, when you can use that time more efficiently to work on your charming personality.
I personally think you are a visionary in this respect, and am certain that I would have to avert my gaze from the sheer blinding sheen of being in the presence of a superior being if I were to ever share the same planet as you. 4 days ago
Thanks!! 4 days ago
I have to ask - did you read that entire comment and not detect any hint of sarcasm? 4 days ago
Did you actually think this wasn’t complete sarcasm? 4 days ago
Of course not. She screams of eloquence and high-brow thinking, and mere sarcasm I does not match her level of comprehension. She’s otherworldly 4 days ago
I can’t comprehend sarcasm that well, sorry 😓 4 days ago
It’s not really about the sarcasm itself, what they were saying was so ridiculous that having that as an actual opinion is just completely unrealistic. It shows that your conecpt of reality in ragards to yourself, i.e. self-awareness, is currently very lacking.