That’s something. By which I mean it’s not nothing.
At the same time, Democrats can’t see idly and do nothing.
Here’s what the Democrats currently have the power to do: 5 weeks ago
At the same time, Democrats can’t see idly and do nothing.
Here’s what the Democrats currently have the power to do:
That’s something. By which I mean it’s not nothing. 5 weeks ago
The funny thing is, when Biden had Congress people were making this same excuse. 5 weeks ago
Because you still need the Senate. The GOP almost always votes as one since it’s almost always about benefiting the rich. When the Democrats “had power” they had 2
Republicans“Democrats” that would always vote against them whenever it was something that would help people that aren’t billionaires.I wish I wasn’t an atheist so I could believe Manchin and Sinema would rot in hell when they die. :/ 5 weeks ago
Where have you been the last three weeks?